Please consider becoming a member! NSHS is a 501(c)(3) corporation. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
You may use the form below, print and mail it in, or click here to complete your form online and to pay:
Name: _____________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
Email: _____________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________
Please make checks payable to
North Salem Historical Society
and mail to
Post Office Box 31, North Salem, New York 10560
□ I’d like to volunteer to help with events. Please contact me by □ phone or □ email.
□ $25 individual/ family
□ $50 contributing
□ $100 business/professional
□ $500 life
□ _____donation.
Please use my additional donation for the following:
_____ Preservation _____ Building Fund
_____ Acquisitions _____ As needed
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