
Please help us identify people and places. Every once in a while we come across a photo or document that has no identification. Here are a few. If you have any information that will help us locate or identify the content, please email us at northsalemhistoricalsociety@gmail.com. Click on the image to enlarge it.

On the back of this image (see below) it says, "March 26, 1884 for dear Charley and wife 'I leave you this for you to look upon that you may see your mother's face when she's dead and gone'" Who is Charley and who is his mother?

Unfortunately, the next photo has no date or any names at all:

This next photo was by A. G. Michaelson on East 42nd Street, NYC, MU5-0??? (how long ago did they use this exchange?)

I know I've seen this wallpaper before!

The young man in the next photo also appears in the one below it - he's with several of his friends/classmates. Maybe as a group it will be easier to identify them:

The group photo. Recognize the photos on the wall? Know where they are?

In this next one, if we know the house, maybe we'd have a clue who the couple is seated outside:

The next photo is an Edsall portrait, 246 & 248 West 125th Street, NY

Three sisters? Huron Art Studio, Huron, South Dakota? interesting:

Laura Howe penciled on the back. Presumably she owned or donated this one taken at Fredericks' Knickerbocker in NYC:

Finally, "Aged 16" but no name:

Thank you to those who helped us identify two of the photos posted.

Please keep looking. More importantly, if you have photos of your home from by-gone days, please consider letting us borrow them for scanning.